Kevin Martens Interview

There’s an interview with Kevin Martens, Lead Designer for Throne of Bhaal, over at GameZone. Kevin talks about some of the expansion’s details, his favorite part in ToB, and what BioWare plans to do with the RPG genre with Neverwinter Nights. Here’s an excerpt:

    Q: When you work on a game like this, you must feel some pressure from the incredible fan base that has such expectations. Does that affect you in any way? Who puts more ‘pressure’ on you, the fans or yourselves in trying to actualize your vision for the program?

    Kevin: (We are very happy to have fans who are so passionate about the source material. This gives us a very lively discussion and suggestion group on our message boards and in some of the RPG/BG newsgroups.

    (We want every product to be better than the one before it and the fans want the same thing. We take their suggestions to heart and we hope that each game can improve their gaming experience by leaps and bounds.)

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