Journeys in Azeroth, Part Thirteen

The Armchair Empire has released the thirteenth installment to their “Journeys in Azeroth” diary series for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. An excerpt to follow:

But besides wandering around Un’Goro, smacking around raptors, and digging up dirt samples, I decided to take the time to explore the area a little bit, and see the sites. Because my rogue is on the lower end of the level spectrum for this area, I had to stay stealthed a whole lot, and be very careful when walking past monsters. With Un’Goro, the whole area looks like a vast, overgrown, old growth tropical rain forest. There are massive trees everywhere, separated by large ponds, and even a gigantic volcano in the middle. There really is very little sign of civilization in this region, just lots and lots of wildlife. The whole area gives off the sense that it hasn’t been touched in centuries, allowing nature to simply do its thing unabated.

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