Journeys in Azeroth, Part Four

The Armchair Empire has released the fourth installment to their “Journeys in Azeroth” diary series for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. A single paragraph to follow:

After training Oloneise in Dual Wield, Aspect of the Cheetah, and a few other skills, I decided to head back to Thelsamar. From there it was off to the nearby outpost on the way to the Wetlands. At the first tunnel by the outpost, there was a dwarf mountaineer who had a nice quick quest that required me to kill some nearby orcs, and break through to the coastal town Menethil Harbour. The orcs are actually pretty easy to clear out in the early going, as they are well spread out. However, as you make your way deeper into the orc occupied area, there are a lot more of them, and they’re much closer together. As such, the easiest way to go after them was to slowly pull away the ones on the edges of the little valley that they were occupying, and work inward. For the most part this strategy worked well. There was only one time that I ran into trouble, where Oloneise missed a Wing Clip. Shortly after this, the orc ran, and Whiskers went after it, drawing aggro from three other nearby orcs. We had to run, but quickly regrouped, and got the head count that we needed in order to proceed.

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