Journeys in Azeroth, Part Eleven

The Armchair Empire has released the eleventh installment to their “Journeys in Azeroth” diary series for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. Here’s a peek:

After this, it was time to get involved with the never-ending centaur dispute of the region. The goal was to kill a bunch of centaur from one of the major clans there so to gain the favor of their rival. This is by far one of the most time consuming quests in Desolace, as players have to kill a small army of these beasts to get on the good side of their rival. I remember doing this a while back with my Night Elf rogue, and it seemed to take forever. Strangely, with my shaman things appear to be going a little quicker. The bar in my reputation window is moving much quicker this time when doing the quest. The question now becomes whether this is because I’m using a Horde character as opposed to someone in the Alliance, or did Blizzard tweak this quest a bit in one of their updates.

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