Jeff Vogel on What Makes Choices Interesting

Inspired by his Q&A session at PAX Prime’s indie RPG-focused panel, Jeff Vogel has penned a blog post on what makes choices interesting. Spiderweb’s designer has three simple rules:

1. The options need to be clear.

The player needs to understand very clearly what is being decided. Suppose that the player is deciding whether some army stays behind to defend a city or goes off to attack the enemy. The player needs to know what is being decided, exactly how to choose each option, and what the possible consequences of each choice are.

2. The options need to be distinct.

The choices need to be clearly different from each other. Otherwise, the act of making a decision isn’t satisfying. A good example of where this often wasn’t done was in Mass Effect 3. Shepard, the player’s main character, was often asked about attacking the enemy, and the choices often came down to, “Yes, we must destroy them!” and “Certainly, we must slay them now!” All I could think at these points was, “Shut up, Shepard.”

3. All of the obvious options are available.

You can’t cover all the options. We aren’t trying to write an AI or simulate an entire world here. But we can’t let the player feel frustrated because some obvious option was neglected. Suppose, for example, you catch a poacher out in the woods and are trying to decide what to do with him. Let Him Go, Turn Him In, Kill Him, and Talk To Him First To Find Out His Situation should all be expected choices.

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