Jeff Vogel on Avadon’s Steam Release

Spiderweb Software’s Jeff Vogel has posted on his blog, his thoughts on Avadon’s release on Steam, including an explanation on its pricing, which is unusually low for a Spiderweb game, especially if we consider that the game was originally released for $25. Here’s a sampling:

Avadon: The Black Fortress Is $9.99 On Steam

I’ve written a lot about how I think it’s important to not price niche games too cheaply, and I stand by that. However, at the same time, Avadon will be only ten bucks on Steam, the cheapest we’ve ever made our newest game for PC/Mac. Why?

1. Steam felt it was the best price. I went into this trusting their judgment, because they know a lot more about selling Indie games than I do. When you’re an Indie and Steam comes knocking, you don’t say no.

2. The whole game industry is shifting. These days, a huge proportion of games online are sold for a low price without demos. People buy games on impulse, sight unseen. That way, if they don’t like it they aren’t out a lot of money.

In these markets, charging $15 or $20 for games, like I want to, isn’t feasible. It’s too much money to pay for a game you aren’t sure about. If someone buys my game for $10 and hates it, I’m a little unhappy. But $20? I don’t want to take kids’ allowance money that way.

So I’m charging $10 on Steam and for the iPad. By the standards of that market, it’s a hefty price, enough for me to earn my living. It’s cheap enough to work as an impluse buy. It isn’t the $1 or $2 price that I’m still sure would put me out of business.

This means I need to adjust the prices I charge on my own web site. I have changed the price of Avadon to $20, and in the future we will very likely reduce the prices of our earlier games as well. Our next game, Avernum: Escape From the Pit will start out at $20. If this grand experiment works well, we may make future games cheaper still, though I doubt any new game on our own web site will ever go below $15.

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