Jedi Knight II

Easily one of my favorite games of all time, along with its father and IMO just barely slightly better Dark Forces (relatively speaking), Jedi Knight is finally getting a sequel. It’s being developed by Raven Software and GameSpy released a fairly large preview for our digesting pleasure. No new screenshots yet but it’s early. Perhaps by the end of E3 we’ll be able to see the graphic progress. One thing disturbed me:

According to Pettit, the game will be fairly large, although it will be hard to match up to the immense size of Jedi Knight, which consisted of over 20 enormous levels.

Honestly, 20 levels isn’t all that huge (in terms of gameplay… and to be really frank thought it was just acceptable). Jedi Knight had just enough diversity to make it an enjoyable and wonderful single player experience; any less and I probably would have felt a little cheated. The statement just appears to me on the brink of saying, in other words, “it’ll be hard for us to match the quality of Jedi Knight so we’re not even going to bother to try (in terms of level size or quantity)”… if you read between the lines. Of course, to give him credit, it will be very difficult to equal or better its gameplay (except on the multiplayer side of things). I’ve heard some great things about Soldier of Fortune II so I think they might be able to pull it off.

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