Jay Watamaniuk Interview

RPGVault was given the opportunity to ask several questions of Jay Watamaniuk, the lucky guy who was recently announced as BioWare’s new community manager. In it, Jay talks about how he got the job, what gaming experience he has, and what he plans to do with the NWN community. Here’s a taste:

    Jonric: To expand on what you said earlier about the position, what are the major functions and responsibilities?

    Jay Watamaniuk: In general, my job revolves around making sure the gamer gets what they need from BioWare or the community to have the best gaming experience they can have with NWN. For some, it will mean being able to make modules; for others, it will mean downloading new bits and pieces for NWN to add to and change the experience or simply getting together with friends online to go adventuring.

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