James Leach Interview

Lionsource.com had the chance to interview James Leach, Lionhead’s script writer, creators of the upcoming RPG/Strategy game Black & White. The interview covers the story in ‘Black&White’ as well as the quests and challenges. James Leach addresses problems of “good” and “evil” and tells us quite a bit about himself. Here’s a quick snippit:

    Q: The story in ‘Black&White’ consists of “quests” and “challenges”. How many of them are there? What is the difference between them?

    A: There are over 100 quests and challenges. The difference is simple. When you play the game you have ultimate freedom. You can do whatever you want. However, in order for the story to unfold with you as a part of it, we had to make it that you HAD to do some things. For example, in order to play Black & White you need a Creature. The means by which you get this Creature is a Quest. You don’t have to do it at a certain time, but realistically you can’t progress through the game without having done the Quest and getting the Creature.

Check the rest of the interview out by clicking here.

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