Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Updates #8-9, $130,460 and Counting

Two new updates have gone live for the Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign since we last check, the eighth and the ninth respectively. Here’s a snip from the latter, covering weapon customization:

Weapon Customization

To give you the high level rundown here, there are things we definitely want to do and then we also have some ideas in our mind that we want to hear your point of view upon. As a basis, we will run with Jagged Alliance 2 for stats and balance. Then look at 1.13 for balancing fixes and additional features. This approach gives us a good and sound baseline to start with.

We have the following on our must have and to do list:

  • Different classes of weapons similar to Jagged Alliance 2 (e.g. Pistols, Machine Guns, Shotguns etc.) 
  • Skill tree for classes of weapons based on usage
  • Customization via attachment points 
  • Ammunition with different properties 
  • Weight and inventory space has influence on the gameplay (e.g. AP and movement speed) 
  • Dual wield small weapons 

And we have some ideas to discuss:

  • Using a weapon will slowly damage it to the point where it’s destroyed. The more you use a given weapon, the more damage it takes. 
  • You will be able to repair damaged weapon at your base at a cost (not only at the base actually, but if a weapon is nearly done, than you’ll need to do it in the base). 
  • Selling worn weapons gives you less money than a new weapon would. 
  • As you use the weapon you gain skill in using said weapon to give you more damage, accuracy etc. But at the same time there is an negative effect on unlearning other skills. This counters building ultra powerful characters with 100 in all skills and then destroying the enemy. So balancing out your team suddenly matters more 
  • For the base building we want to have a shooting range, where you can both test out weapon customizations to see the effect before committing to it. And at the same time you can spend time+money on training your mercenaries.
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