Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Updates #22-23, $254,114 and Counting

Two new updates have gone live for the Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter, which currently only has three days to go to get funded and only raised $254,114 of its $350,000 funding goal.

Update #22 explains why they set their funding goal at $350,000 and stresses that it’s the minimum funding goal:

Why only $350k?

We are not asking for $350k – we are asking for minimum 350k. The more the better. For the $350k we can actually make a good, although smaller, core game using the JA2 mechanics and some modding support to extend the game. We will also be able to make the project larger by adding our own funds as well as engaging with the modding community even further.

While update #23 includes a “call to arms” to backers and people interested in the project, and explains what would happen if the funding goal is not met:

But what if we still fall short of the goal?

Nothing is decided there yet. The last option would be to go back to bitComposer and talk to them about this project. Tell them that there is still a community out there that wants this game to happen – and that are willing to help, push, pull, contribute – who have their heart at the right place. Maybe they will pull out a checkbook and still let us do the game as described. They once offered the funding, maybe they’ll offer again. The problem is that this would bring us far away from being independent. And that’s a thing we actually want to try to avoid. And if influences became too big, we’d stop negotiations. This might lead to us giving back the license and saying (thank you).

As a last possible outcome, I have already started talking to my bank about taking a personal loan (The thing is: I finally paid the last one off for my house, but hey, if this game becomes successful, then shall it be that way!). But it puts a huge risk on mine and my families shoulders if even possible to persuade the bank. I am awaiting an answer tomorrow at latest. But I will not be able to fund it all myself to close the gap. But every little sacrifice counts – including mine.

And that should answer the (Will you do it on your own) question. We cannot work for free – we are not a (live in basement on crackers and water) company.

But there is still time to give it all a last push! 3.5 days to go! Lots of time! 🙂

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