Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Update #10, $144,170 and Counting

A new update has gone live for the Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter campaign, and this time it covers the first in-game asset produced, that should help, at least theoretically, set the art style for backers (it didn’t for me, to be totally honest, but other more art-minded people might be more perceptive), and the developers joining the Kick if Forward! intiative started by inXile and Brian Fargo. Here’s a snippet:

And – this is important to say – we are making an entertainment product and not a simulator. We are with Flashback concentrating on the story part, the role playing of mercenaries having personalities and the game being fun to play. We are not! going down the ultra-realistic path and trying to make a tactical combat simulator. Flashback is not the Arma of turn-based RPG action.

So if we in the story have a plausible reason to have experimental and ultra limited uranium depleted ammunition as part of the story – then its going to be in there. It is not science fiction – but still fiction.

The inventory and the overall user interface has to be a joy to play as well. While we believe in inventory management being part of the game (who can carry 10 MG’s including ammo?), there is still value in having things like weight that you carry around being an influence on your movement speed, stealth and how fast you become fatigued. But it simply has to be fun to use as well, so for example being able to pick up items on the screen directly without having to move over to them – totally makes sense to do.

This might rub the wrong way for some and be the right direction for others. We simply wanted to make this clear up front, and with the modding possibilities there are other people than us that can work the game into that direction – or stick with some of the JA2 mods.

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