Jade Empire Reviews

Yet another pair of reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire have reached the web, and they’re both very positive. The first is at GamePartisan with an overall score of 9.0/10:

Overall, let’s just say that if you own an Xbox and you do not have this game; get it ASAP and play until you can play no longer. Your mind will thank you for it.

And the second is at Gamer Within with an overall score of 9.2/10:

BioWare’s Jade Empire was surrounded with hype from start to finish. It’s no sheer surprise, as BioWare has developed a number of high-quality RPGs in the past. Thankfully, Jade Empire can be added to the ever-increasing list of BioWare’s quality RPG titles, and definitely deserved the hype that has long surrounded the game. Despite it’s slight flaws, in particular with rather bland fighting aspects, Jade Empire is an excellent title that is surely worthy of an addition to any RPG fans collection.

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