Jade Empire Reviews

A couple of new online reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire have shown up, both of which give the Xbox RPG fairly high marks. The first is at GotNext with an overall score of 4.5/5:

When all is said and done, Jade Empire’s faults are minor and accomplishments great. At its heart, Jade Empire is just an ancient Asian culture themed, dialogue heavy and story driven game that repeats and builds upon everything KotOR did right in a brand new setting. If you enter with the right expectations, Jade Empire is entirely satisfying and much better than Knights of the Old Republic. As a final note: for all of the rat demons out there who encounter someone and ask that someone to find them ducks for dinner, run. Run very far away, because I will smite thee!

And the second is at Game Chronicles Magazine with an overall score of 8.5/10:

Hardcore RPG fans may complain about the relatively short story, or the lack of detailed resource management but for the everyday gamer like myself, Jade Empire fits the bill just fine. By taking all of the great character-building aspects of the RPG genre and ridding itself of the boring (and frankly quite condescending) weapons and armor micromanagement, wizards and warriors themes, and most importantly the turn-based combat Jade Empire is a very rewarding game that is accessible to almost every gamer and serves for a nice introduction into the RPG genre, and a great addition to any gamer’s collection.

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