Jade Empire Reviews

Yet another trio of reviews for Jade Empire have emerged on the ‘net, all of which are on the positive side. The first is at BBC News with no overall score:

The voice acting (including a stint by John Cleese) and rich soundtrack add lashings of atmosphere. Jade Empire takes the best bits of Old Republic and greatly builds upon them – without a Wookie in sight – for a game of life, love and smashing people’s faces. Miyagi would approve.

The second is at G4TV with an overall score of 4/5:

Jade Empire is a good game that a few hiccups keep from being great. Yet, the foundation laid down here is more than enough to keep us excited over the prospect of a sequel. The game is so well balanced between genres that fans of both RPGs and action games should definitely give it a look, but aficionados of either genre will find the compromises to be a little too much.

And the third is at CNN with no overall score:

Overall “Jade Empire” is a gripping and intense single-player magnum opus. Its rich story, memorable characters and clever combat system make this title a must-have for your Xbox collection.

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