Jade Empire Reviews

A pair of glowing reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire surfaced on the web over the past couple of days. The first is at Games Are Fun with a perfect score of 10/10:

Jade Empire is an evolution and the beginning of an excellent fusion between the PC style RPG and console gaming. Fans of PC RPGs will be absolutely enthralled by this newest entry of the genre on the Xbox and console fans will enjoy being introduced to it through a medium that isn’t such a far reach from other console games. The game is definitely worth its price and, so far, is the killer app of the year for Xbox.

And the second is at DarkStation with an overall score of 9/10:

Jade Empire is quite simply a great game. Is this game going to change what you think about RPG’s? No. But if you’re a fan of these sort of action RPG’s then I would highly recommend picking up a copy of Jade Empire because the game really does have quite a lot to offer.

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