Jade Empire Review

The Entertainment Depot has whipped up a review of Jade Empire, giving BioWare’s Xbox RPG an overall score of 7/10. Their conclusion to follow:

Loading is certainly something that happens, though at least in this game, for the most part, cities are loaded all at once. You’ll know what you’re getting into, again, if you’ve played KotOR.

And really, that’s what it boils down to. You already knew, mostly, what you’d be getting into, and now you know pretty much all the way. Jade Empire is a watered-down Knights of the Old Republic with a simple realtime battle system and pacing that gets you ready for a longer story than is delivered. For all this, it’s not a bad game, but it’s entirely possible to have a decent game that’s disappointing, which is exactly what we have in Bioware’s latest Xbox offering.

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