Jade Empire Musical Journal

Jack Wall, composer for BioWare’s Jade Empire, has begun a new journal on his personal website that chronicles the development of the game’s soundtrack. There are plenty of pictures to go along with it, as well. A snip:

I’m definitely rested and ready to go on the Big Push to finish up Jade Empire. The music is coming slowly right now. I’ve learned to let that go when that happens. I’ve always found that it comes slow for a reason. Now is the time when everything has to come together. This theme meshes with this other one and they all somehow influence the Main Theme which I KNOW will be one of the last things I finish! I’ve been playing the debug alot getting to know the game and the characters and really, I just want to do it all somewhat differently than I’m doing it. Kevin and Shauna at Bioware have me writing all these pieces of music that are designed to slot into this place and that place, but I’m slowly crafting a plan to rip it all up and get more “underscore-y” with it. It is afterall, a role playing game, right?

For the past 3 days, I’ve been playing with various themes – juxtaposing them against one another. It’s starting to take shape and I know that tomorrow, it will all starting coming out.

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