Jade Empire Makes Two “Most Anticipated of 2004” Lists

BioWare’s upcoming Xbox RPG, Jade Empire, has made both IGN and Games Domain’s lists for one of the most anticipated game titles of 2004. Here’s a snippet from what IGN had to say:

The easiest way to describe the game is KOTOR meets kung-fu. But even that’s portraying the game in a lesser light than it deserves. The core game bears an uncanny resemblance to the Star Wars epic, complete with Light and Dark story-branching, but rather than turn-based combat, Jade Empire uses a real-time fighting engine. We had a look at the game at last year’s Tokyo Game Show, and we must say that we were thoroughly impressed. The game’s visuals are significantly better than KOTOR’s, the voice acting just as good, and the fighting looks tense and intuitive. While we’re still waiting to get up-close-and-personal with the game, we can say that it looks to be one of the most promising Xbox games of 2004.

And a clip from Games Domain:

How will the seemingly action-heavy combat system go down with traditional RPG fans, we wonder? From the few details that have slipped out, it seems to combine lots of different martial arts styles with magic and other fantasy-type combat techniques – sounds interesting. Let’s face it, BioWare probably couldn’t make a bad game if they tried.

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