Jade Empire Fan Site Kit Released

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Build an Online Dynasty with the Jade Empire Fan Site Kit

Microsoft Game Studios announced today that the official Jade Empire Fan Site Kit (FSK) is now available for download at http://www.xbox.com/en-us/jadeempire/. The Jade Empire FSK (6 MB) includes exclusive screenshots, borders, logos, concept art and a fact sheet to help webmasters turn their sites into everlasting online dynasties. Jade Empire is in development by BioWare Corp. and is scheduled to ship in fall 2004.

Jade Empire is an action-RPG set in the ancient, mysterious world of mythical China. Players must train under their master’s watchful eye to learn powerful martial arts and mystical powers. When danger threatens, players travel across the world, from the harsh mountains of the Land of Howling Spirits to the lush gardens of the Imperial City. In their adventures, players face powerful human and supernatural foes, learn exotic and magical martial arts and discover the darkest secrets of the world. Only by mastering the greatest fighting styles and defeating the most powerful enemies will players earn their place as a master of martial arts in the world of Jade Empire. For more information about Jade Empire, visit http://www.xbox.com/en-us/jadeempire/ or http://www.jade-empire.com/.

Microsoft Game Studios is a leading worldwide publisher and developer of games for Windows®, Xbox® video game system and online platforms. Comprising a network of top developers, Microsoft Game Studios is committed to creating innovative and diverse games for Windows (http://www.microsoft.com/games/), including such franchises as Age of Empires®, Flight Simulator and Zoo Tycoon®; Xbox (http://www.xbox.com/), including such franchises as Halo®, Project Gotham Racing® and NFL Fever; and Zone.com (http://www.zone.com/), the official games channel for the MSN® network and home to such hits as Bejeweled and OutSmart™.

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