Jade Empire E3 Preview

RPGFan has put together a preview of Jade Empire, based upon what they saw of BioWare’s Xbox RPG at this year’s E3. An excerpt to follow:

Motion Capturing was done under the control of Giant Studios, the MoCap studio of Lord of the Rings. In combat, players are going to be able to do what is called a “Harmonic Combo”, or the ability to dramatically damage opponents with a combination of styles. In the demo, you are able to use a certain style to turn an opponent for stone, and then a much more powerfully striking style to shatter the rock. Some of these combinations are rather obvious, others requiring a good amount of thought. Most cutscenes are done with the in-game engine and look good. Bioware also mentioned Minigames, but showed us only a 1942-style shooter for between-area travel. The story is more serious than many previous Bioware games, but does have a tinge of humor ala Minsc and HK-47.

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