Jade Empire E3 Preview

The official Xbox website has been updated with a preview of Jade Empire, based upon some hands-on experience one of their editors had with the Xbox RPG at this year’s E3. A snip:

Jade Empire is packed with that trademark BioWare flavor, too. Your allies are a colorful bunch, especially Mr. Ho, your henpecked sidekick. You’ll never control your allies directly, as in KOTOR, but they will fight at your side. Your decisions in the game will definitely affect the story’s outcome, and though BioWare wasn’t saying, it appears there will be more than just two ways to wrap up the story. In one conversation with Mr. Ho alone, I had the choice of five different ways to get him to do what I wanted. And then there’s the sweet, sweet violence, which is as graphic as all heck-fire this one ain’t for the kids. Many of the moves my character pulled off with ease would not have seemed out of place in Kill Bill or Battle Royale, including one particular nasty move that appeared to make my enemy explode into a cloud of gore. In fact, designer Michael Laidaw pointed out that Lucy Liu’s stunt double in Kill Bill, Vol. 1 worked for BioWare as a motion-capture model.

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