Jade Empire E3 Preview

Games Domain has kicked up a preview of Jade Empire, based upon a demonstration they received at this year’s E3. Here’s a bit to get you started:

“It’s an action RPG — the combat is tactical and strategic, but still action-oriented,” Laidlaw continued. Combat is real-time, not turn-based, and has more in common with 3D fighting games than traditional RPG systems. It’s based on a series of sets of attacks or “styles,” which characters learn and can switch between at will. In each style, controller buttons are mapped to melee attacks and, when using certain styles, magical attacks like fireballs or summoning dragons.

With all those combat styles to consider, the controls must be complex, right? Not so. Bioware has arranged the attacks so that the button combination that performs a space-clearing axe swing in one style will do a space-clearing firey explosion in another.

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