Jade Empire / Dragon Age Previews

Shayna Davidson from the Ladies of Neverwinter website had the opportunity to tour BioWare’s offices in Canada and has written up a report of her trip, which includes firsthand previews of Jade Empire and Dragon Age. Here’s a snip about Dragon Age:

The party control in the concept demo was just what I was looking for. You could lasso the entire party with the mouse to select them or click on them individually. When combat started, they dashed off to do their thing, but you could also change focus from your main character, select another character, and have them perform their action. You could set the barbarian on a nearby enemy, and then switch to have the sorceress, for example, cast a spell while the barbarian went on doing what he did best. The camera was not locked on the main character. I appreciated that you could pan across the map to site see, though who knows what the poor characters fighting for their lives thought about being abandoned by the player like that.

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