Jade Empire: Diverging Philosophies

IGN Xbox has put together a two-page article entitled “Jade Empire: Diverging Philosophies”, in which they detail the game’s morality system – particularly, the “evil” side. Check it out:

Jade Empire is all about the details, and this is evident with the morality system as well. Characters don’t grow horns or deform physically with their decisions, however, there are some very cool hints as to which side players lean towards. When engaged in conversations, your character’s face reveals his or her emotions. A casual smile graces your lips during friendly banter, and a disgusted scowl is displayed during threats or angry responses. Characters who have devotedly followed the Closed Fist may appear normal at first glance, but a short period of inactivity will betray their true form. After standing still for a moment, an evil character’s shadow sprouts tendrils that tear through the air around him.

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