Jack Wall Interview

GameZone has published an interview with Jack Wall, in which the Jade Empire composer reveals a few details about the time he spent on the RPG’s soundtrack. Check it out:

Q: Which songs are you most proud of? Which songs were the most fun to write?

A: It’s funny on this one I don’t have songs that stick out as my favorites. It’s more that it’s a body of work that is very cohesive and really conjures up this universe to me. That said, I really like Hills and Fields and Dance of the Babbling Brook. The Tea House is cool because it was one of the first ones I wrote. I wrote it in such a traditional Chinese style that the team didn’t know what to do with it at first – then about 3 months later, they told me that the team really loved it and wanted to use it for the Tea House. I originally wrote it for the City Theme (which is now called Metropolis). Clearly they wanted a different direction for the City than this very traditional treatment.

I also like all the battle pieces with all the Taiko drumming. I got some great stuff out of Steve and Irwin and the others for this. For many of these pieces I really was using percussion as melodic instruments. These are pieces of music that are only percussion. I really enjoyed limiting my palette to just perc on these. Everyone at BioWare really supported this idea and I think it was really very different. I guess I like being different!

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