It’s My ZergID Party, and I’ll Cry if Want to

ZergID over 9000 League of LegendsYou’ve probably heard me mention ZergID before. There has been the odd press release I’ve posted about.

Well, in short it’s a rather fast growing social network for MMO and MMPORG gamers. It was designed to help make grouping and socialising easier. You know, rather than trying to hunt down the details for those mates you found online you can join ZergID and the process gets a whole lot easier.

Well, they’ve released a new function on ZergID that gives you the ability to organize group play sessions that can be joined by everyone enrolled in the social network. To further prove the capabilities, over 9,000 gamers attempted to join one fan League of Legends session.

Well, the beta for this new feature is available to everyone. This is good news if you do have 8,999 mates you’re dying to team up with.

The press release below has a lot more information, and there is very little point in repeating it word for word.

Don’t be afraid to head the official ZergID website for even more info.

ZergID Adds Feature Allowing MMO Players To Organize in-Game Parties with Everyone in the Social Network

IT’S OVER 9000! 

Over 9,000 Gamers Used the Public Event Management System in Alpha

ZergID, a fast-growing social network for MMORPG gamers, recently alpha tested a public event system, enabling users to organize group play sessions joinable by everyone enrolled in the social network. In alpha testing a popular Twitch streamer used the system to create a fan-based League of Legends team and over 9,000 people signed in to join the event.

Using a randomize feature the streamer was able to have the team and their positions selected in advance of the event start time, giving everyone time to prepare and be ready to go. The feature has now been enabled for beta testing and is available to all users of ZergID.

ZergID Profile page 9000Gamers not using ZergID’s public event management system often find it is a difficult process to organize a party with individuals they don’t know. They either have to search for character names in-game or create a post on Twitter or Facebook, cramming in details regarding the server, date and time. Then organizers would have to filter through responses, reply to gamers they would invite and sometimes remind them to join.

ZergID’s public event management system simplifies the process. All the information about in-game characters and the tools to communicate with other gamers is in one centralized online location. If a ZergID member would like to participate in an event with people they aren’t already connected with, they can post the public event link anywhere online and anyone with ZergID account and a character in that game can apply to join.

The public event management system also allows journalists, bloggers, YouTubers, Twitch streamers and developers to more easily connect with fans. By creating a public event and inviting their audience to join, game industry professionals can engage and play with their followers.

ZergID has also added several other new features, including brand new apps for Android and IOS that allow users to post on the go, chat functionality, report and block features, as well as the ability to customize notifications and brand new apps for Android and iOS that allow users to post on the go.

“We created ZergID to help the MMO community thrive and connect,” Alex Albrecht, co-founder, Zerg, Inc. says. “With the addition of the new public event management system, it is easier than ever for MMO players to reach out to a broader group of gamers.”

About Zerg, Inc. 

MMORPG gamers Alex Albrecht, former host, G4 and Revision3; and Scott Katz, co-founder, Maker Studios founded Zerg. Inc in 2012 to develop the ZergID social network for MMORPG gamers. ZergID allows users to find old and new friends, see what games their friends are playing and on which servers and factions they are playing, so members can connect, all under the same anonymity these games provide.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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