Is Ultima Online Dying?

The guys at Terra Nova have written up an article that provides a handful of reasons why they feel Ultima Online may be dying. In the article, the author states why he thinks UO is in serious long-term trouble, and what can be done to possibly reverse the trend and rescue the game. One of their reasons to follow:

EA’s “Return to Britannia,” campaign last year did not instill confidence in me, and I’m sure possibly did not in some other users as well. It implied that the game was not as successful as it had been in the past. Logically, why else would they be giving away free game time, and offering free downloads of Age of Shadows, an expansion which previously cost in the neighbourhood of $40 US? They seemed to be attempting to regain an older portion of the player base who had apparently stopped playing. I’m assuming the previous point may have had something to do with this.

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