Ion Hardie Interview

The guys at ActionTrip dropped us an email to let us know that they’ve conducted an interview with Reflexive’s Ion Hardie about the upcoming Lionheart. In it, several questions are asked about the game’s history, character creation system, multiplayer functionality, and more. Check it out:

    Q: What sort of interface have you guys prepared for the game?

    A: The most important feature of the interface is that it is easy to use. This should always be the most important feature, but it is often overlooked to make the UI more sparkly and fancy. That means it needs to deliver all of the information the player needs and offer all the options they need, in the smallest space and in the most convenient way. So those were our goals designing the interface. Some of the specific features include grouping items into easily interpreted forms. For example, in the Skills section we broke the skills up into types so that you can navigate through certain types of skills without them without having to go through every single skill. We provide a series of quick slots for items and spells and whatever else the player decides they need quick access too. The interface features pages for the Character Information, Inventory, Journal, Map, and of course Options. A lot of time and consideration has gone into each of these to make them as easy to use as possible.

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