Interplay’s Current Situation Q&A

Gaming Age has conducted a brief interview with Interplay’s Damon Vergilio, asking the public relations representative several questions about the company’s current financial situation. An excerpt to follow:

Q: Interplay is home to some of gaming’s most beloved franchises. Considering the games announced earlier this year based on the Descent, Fallout, Kingpin, Exalted (from the creators of Hunter) and Dark Alliance properties are some licenses more likely to be on the trading block than others?

A: I assume anything is on the chopping block to save the company. Herve [Herve Caen, Interplay’s CEO] said he expects to announce something within the next couple days that will be enough of a boost to bring us back in. When it gets this dire, I assume everything is up for grabs.

Long term, with the properties we own and what we have under our belt, we’re in good shape. Short term, we have a situation to fix. Bankruptcy is not a necessary step for us. SG Capital [the company helping Interplay raise capital] agrees.

Some deals were close to complete before this happened, but until there’s a signature there’s no guarantee.

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