Interesting Bloodlines Facts

Here are a few interesting facts that you may or may not have already known about during your time with Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines…

‘¢ There are five different endings to the game, depending upon the choices you make during gameplay.

‘¢ Malkavians have different dialogue with NPCs than the other clans you can choose to play.

‘¢ Nosferatu have a special on-screen radar that indicates how close you are to violating the Masquerade as you approach humans.

‘¢ Ventrue characters (but not Tremere) can use Dominate to influence others through dialogue.

‘¢ A high Seduction skill gives you access to a “blood” doll located in every club.

‘¢ There is a whole new set of combat moves available in the crouched position.

‘¢ Crouching improves your accuracy with firearms.

‘¢ You can use offensive Disciplines while reloading weapons.

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