Infinity Blade II Reviews

We have another bevy of reviews for ChAIR Entertainment’s iOS action-RPG sequel, keeping in line with the trend of positive scores and comments we have seen so far.

GameSpot; 9.0/10.

Infinity Blade II is a real showcase for iOS, bringing a full gaming experience to the platform that isn’t simply a shoehorning of existing ideas onto a touch screen. It has an identity of its own, successfully straddling RPG depth with an experience that can be sampled in small chunks in a way that few other iOS games can match. Plus, like the first game, it should be heavily supported postrelease, with new bosses, environments, and rewards promised for future updates, all for free. Infinity Blade II sets the standard for big experiences on the go, and is an essential purchase for any iOS-toting gamer.

AppSpy, 5/5.

What’s on offer is not all that’s left to come either as Chair Entertainment leave the usual promises of additional content, including multiplayer. If the sheer volume of updates on the first title is any indicator, it’s going to be a long time before anyone truly masters the depths of Infinity Blade II.

If you have the space and a third-gen or higher iDevice, you need to make this game part of your collection.

Destructoid, 9.0/10.

Gamers who were not sold on the original’s “Punch Out!!! with swords” gameplay will likely remain unimpressed with Infinity Blade II, but fans are sure to be completely thrilled by the amount of upgrades and improvements on offer, not to mention the developments of its increasingly enigmatic story. The sudden upshot in difficulty can take one by surprise, but the flexibility allowed when restarting Bloodlines means that it’s never a real issue. Otherwise, this is the same kind of great combat found in last year’s title, but with absolutely everything ramped up to magnificent degrees.

If Infinity Blade was proof that mobile games could be taken seriously, then Infinity Blade II is that very same proof biting any and all detractors on the genitals.

TouchGen, 5/5.

In conclusion – and as any sequel should be – Infinity Blade 2 is bigger, bolder and better than before. It delivers an experience so finely tuned to the abilities of iOS, that it would be hard to replicate perfectly on any other ‘˜current system’. It’s the killer app that legitimises iOS as a gaming platform, and in a year where the competition has finally had to sit up and take stock.

Modojo, 5/5.

That ChAIR was able to create such a wonderful sequel in a year is a true testament to the talented people working at the studio. With this in mind, Infinity Blade 2 is one of the year’s most thrilling video games, a gorgeous and feature packed adventure that demands your attention. In terms if iOS killer apps, it stands alone.

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