ICY: Frostbite Edition PC Steam Key Giveaway

If you’re a big fan of survival RPG’s and more importantly have read our review here of ICY: Frostbite Edition then no doubt you’ll be insanely interested to know that we have four PC Steam key’s to giveaway in our latest sweepstake.

Shamelessly pinched from the Steam page…

“ICY is a narrative-driven post-apocalyptic survival RPG set in a new Ice Age, where your life and the lives of your followers depend on every decision you make. Create your own character, using a detailed stat system that influences your abilities to hunt, travel, scavenge, communicate and lead, then begin a journey of survival across the White Wasteland.

It is up to you to take on the responsibilities of leadership and guide your newfound nomad family in their fight for survival. Do not take your role lightly, for each decision you make, each word you speak, ripples through the life of your community.

Take heed, for you and your clan are not alone in this frozen world. In addition to the elements and the wildlife you encounter, there will be loners and bands of miscreants to deal with. Decide carefully on whom to trust and how to react or the snow-covered landscape will become your icy tomb.”

So what do I need to do to win one of those ICY: Frostbite Edition PC Steam keys?

To enter the sweepstake all you need to do is complete the form below, simple as that. Of course, if you want to increase your chances of winning then just tweet, follow or visit us using the same form. The hardest part is waiting a week or so until the winners are announced.

Don’t forget you can Tweet about our sweepstake once every day to earn extra points. So keep coming back and sharing the joy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms & Conditions

In short I cannot be bought, bribed or in any way influenced as to who the winners are going to be. They are all picked randomly by a winner-picking robot from the future. A robot who cannot be argued with lest you wish your arms and legs vaporised. No seriously, I’ve seen it happen. It’s not pretty. Best not thinking about really. Contest ends at 12:00am on 1st September, 2017. Winners will be chosen and notified shortly after this date.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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