Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition iOS v2.4 Patch Released

Just like Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition before it, Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition has now received the 2.4 patch for its iOS version. This patch mirrors some of the new BGII:EE features, while leaving others, like the Shaman class, for later. You can read all about the patch in this Beamblog post, that also hints on some major, new project-related announcements coming our way later this year and throughout 2018. An excerpt:

Before jumping into the patch notes, we’ve got exciting news to share!

We’ve hinted at what’s next for the Enhanced Editions in previous posts, now it’s time to share more! To start, we’ve already begun work on another patch for Icewind Dale, this time bringing all the 2.4 fixes, features, and more to Google Play, Mac Store, Steam, and other platforms the Enhanced Editions are available on. More you say? Absolutely! We’ve got a laundry list of fan feature requests and bug fixes to include alongside Steam achievements, and… insert drum roll here… bringing the Shaman class to IWD:EE!

After IWD:EE, we’ll be returning to BG:EE and BGII:EE to update each on Steam, GOG, Beamdog, Google Play, iOS, and Mac with the latest features and fixes.

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! The team is hard at work on several projects that we can’t wait to share news about throughout the remainder of 2017 and over the course of 2018!

Patch Highlights

  • 64 bit support
  • IPV6 support
  • Engine improvements!
  • Added HD UI/icons

Area Map Background

On the local area map screen, players can now toggle an option to display a turquoise overlay showing the walkable parts of the current area, which can help when navigating dark dungeon corridors. By default this option is disabled; if you find that you want it enabled by default when you open the map screen, you can change this setting from Options > Graphics.

Health Bars

When in combat, creatures now display an approximation of their current health visually with a colorized bar above their heads: green for allies and red for enemies. You can disable this feature from Options > Graphics.

Expanded Color Selection

The available color options for Hair, Skin, and Clothing have been greatly expanded to give every player as many realistic options as possible for their character’s appearance.

Mage Specialists

Specialist mages have always received a +2 bonus (NEW: now shown in the description as a -2 penalty on enemy creatures) on saving throws to resist spells of their chosen school. Additionally, specialist mages have always received a +15% chance to learn spells from their chosen school, and a -15% chance to learn spells from all other schools. These features are now correctly reported in the description for each kit.

Greyscale on Pause

When the game is paused, the area is now set to display in greyscale, giving the player greater contrast when examining the battlefield. By default this feature is enabled. You can disable it at any time from Options > Graphics.

Sprite Outlines

Sprites now display a dark outline to make them stand out from the area’s background more clearly. By default this feature is enabled. You can disable the highlighting and sprite outlines from Options > Graphics

Dialogue box

The dialogue box can be resized vertically.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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