Icewind Dale Day is reporting that Icewind Dale has officially gone gold for the Macintosh, and has even dedicated today as Icewind Dale Day. Here’s a snippet of what they’re offering to IWD fans:

    Today MacGamer ushers in MacPlay’s new role playing adventure by declaring it “Icewind Dale Day”. We give readers a whole lot of frozen RPG goodness: Our Giveaways column offers a copy to this week’s winner, we re-launch our Desktops department with a beautiful Icewind Dale desktop, we feature an IWD Post-Mortem from Chris Jacobson – programmer behind the Mac version, and we even offer a new deal on Icewind Dale in the MacGamer store. If you’re the kind of person who likes a killer RPG, today is a good day to be visiting MacGamer. Take a look at the links below…
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