Hunted: The Demon’s Forge Reviews

We have rounded up a few new reviews for Bethesda Softworks and inXile Entertainment’s dungeon crawler Hunted: The Demon’s Forge for your perusal.

Crispy Gamer, scoreless.

If I were ever put on trial in some zany dystopic future and forced to defend to my preference for PC games, Hunted would be exhibits A through Z. From start to finish, it’s tailor-made for the player that doesn’t want anything but a button mashing frenzy. If it were any more arcade-y, it would make me type in my initials after playing so I could post my high score. This game is, in every conceivable way, a budget console title that no one should even consider paying more than $10 for. And even then, buyer beware.

Bit-Tech, 70%.

Hunted is a good solid romp that will keep you entertained for the time it lasts, but we would love to see developer inXlie take this idea and run with it a little further. A fully fleshed-out medieval SWAT team game using very similar mechanics and pacing to this would go down extremely well, especially if it went further down the co-op road towards Left 4 Dead territory. Hunted: The Demon’s Forge proves that a co-op combat-based RPG can work and, while it’s not perfect, it’s definitely worth a look.

Xboxer 360, 65%.

There may be a couple teething problems with the constant use of doors that require more than one person to open, but I truly believe if you’re into your third-person action/adventure games, then you’ll going to enjoy this title. You may not be able to sort through your equipment, but at least there are items you can pick up and improve your character’s attack or defense. Then you have the skill trees to alter your magical direction, so will you take the elemental path or improve your attacks with your bow or sword. The fact that there is a likeness to Gears of War can only show that inXile were striving for success and quality in this title, in which I feel they have just about nailed quality, but maybe not so much the success part.

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