How You Can Help GameBanshee

First of all, let me offer a gigantic thank you to those of you who have donated money, clicked our top banners, bought games through Chips & Bits (our lower banners), or performed searches through the search box on each game area. It’s very much appreciated and helps alleviate the dedicated server hosting and bandwidth bill.

For those of you who cannot afford to donate, clicking on the top banner from time to time is a great way to help us out. There are some pretty good deals offered in the banners, and we get paid every time there’s a unique click within a set period of time (so you can’t just click 5 times instantly). Basically, if each person checked out the banner offers a few times throughout every day, we would do much better.

Aside from donating or clicking, you can also purchase games from the online game store Chips & Bits through the bottom banner of each page. I have about 5-6 randomly displaying, but you don’t have to necessarily buy those particular games. If you click on the banner and continue to shop (in the same browser window), we will still get credit for any purchases you make. Keep in mind that Chips & Bits *also* offers AD&D manuals, etc and not just games.

One final way of contributing is to use the search boxes found on the left linkbar of each game area. Each time you perform a search and click on one of the links the search brings up, GameBanshee makes money. Pretty easy =).

Anyway, hope that clears things up. There are quite a few ways to help us out and every little bit will help towards future server upgrades, etc. Keep in mind that GameBanshee is not going away (so don’t worry =), but we would like to be able to break even.

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