How F’ing Metal is Dragon Age: Origins?

I suppose it’s not really surprising that Destructoid asked BioWare this bizarre question, but what is surprising is that lead designer Mike Laidlaw answered the question at such length that it became a beast in itself.

(PAX. She didn’t have to wait in line that long to play Dragon Age. From the seat of her wheelchair, she was delivering death with a ruthless efficiency. There was a quest before her, after all. She was going to become a Grey Warden, whatever it took. An arrow sinks into the throat of a darkspawn. She maneuvers her rogue behind another, where a flurry of blows cut the beast down. She does it. Her character reaches the Joining, a ritual in which the Grey Wardens willingly sacrifice all to safeguard the world.

“Then she goes through it in the booth, just as her character had done moments before. She emerges from the Joining, determined to see this thing through. Her reward was a chance to wear the colors and wield the sword of a Grey Warden before the crowd. She rises from her chair, set on doing it right. Then she wavers just a little. Everyone holds their breath, but she finds her center and the blade rises proud and true. And there, before fans that have waited for hours to play the game, for one shining moment, she is a Grey Warden. Her name is called, (Hail the Warden!) is the reply. Cheers resound. I have my answer.)

(THAT is pretty F’ing metal,) Laidlaw tells me.

I really think they should just stop promoting the game and let the reviews do the talking.

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