Horizons: Empire of Istaria Peek #3

RPG Vault has released the third installment to their ongoing “peek” feature for Tulga Games’ Horizons: Empire of Istaria, this time discussing the return of live events to the MMORPG. A snippet to follow:

Our latest, called Lost Knowledge, required the players to construct an outpost on the very edge of the great Eastern Blight. This highly dangerous area is patrolled by powerful creatures under the direction of the Withered Aegis. New fights, construction, cooperation, and some amusing quests have been all part of this event. Jim Poole has been key in creating this event and coordinating the efforts of the team. He has been focused on utilizing the newly developed monster behavior tools to provide more challenging experiences for the players. This was the first exercise of these tools, and Jim has learned much from the experience that will be used in our next event, which is due to be released this month.

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