Hordes of the Underdark Reviews

Two new reviews for BioWare’s recently released Hordes of the Underdark surfaced this weekend. The first is at Game Chronicles Magazine with an overall score of 8.9/10:

The revised level cap will be a slam dunk hit, and the new resources will give builders plenty to play with. The campaign alone is worth the price of admission, and when you’re done, you can look forward to a whole new generation of modules and downloadable content featuring Underdark goodies.

Hordes of the Underdark is a worthy add-on to the best role-playing game ever made, and crushes the first expansion pack in terms of sheer content. If BioWare releases a third expansion pack, I haven’t a clue how they’ll manage to top this effort. Three cheers for this one.

And the second is at Digital Entertainment News with an overall score of 9.2/10:

With nearly everything improved and refined, Hoards of the Underdark not only is a huge improvement over the first NN expansion pack, Shadows, but for me ranks right up there as one of the better expansion packs ever released for any RPG. While Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Bloodmoon remains my favorite RPG expansion pack, since the werewolf element added something completely new to the Morrowind series, Hoards ranks above ES3: Morrowind Tribunal to fall just shy of Bloodmoon in my book. It comes close because of the Epic Classes, which inject new life and interest into even a standard thief or fighter, let alone adding dimension to prestige classes like Red Dragon Disciple. While an Epic Red Dragon Disciple is cool, however, it’s not like adding playing as a werewolf into the mix, which keeps Bloodmoon just ahead of Hoards.

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