HomeLan Fed Interviews UltraPrime About The Evolvers

HomeLan Federation has posted an interview that they conducted with UltraPrime’s president Neal Wiser about a new game in development called The Evolvers. The Evolvers is a sci-fi based MMORPG that will interact with a weekly TV show. Players in the game who want to participate in the show plays the game on their PC while watching the show on TV.

    New massively multiplayer games seem to be announced every week but even the recent official announcement of UltraPrime Network’s debut game The Evolvers was different than most. Not only is the developer creating a sci-fi based MMORPG but they are also creating a full-fledged weekly TV show that players in the game will get to interact with. HomeLAN got a chance to chat with UltraPrime’s president Neal Wiser to find out more about the game and the TV show.

HomeLan’s The Evolver Interview

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