Heroes of Might & Magic V Interview

Celestial Heavens has conducted an interview with Ubisoft’s Fabrice Cambounet, in which the developer answers a batch of questions about the newly announced Heroes of Might & Magic V. Check it out:

Q: Since you probably don’t want to reveal what the towns are at this point, can you tell us how you ended up with a number of six? Is it a continuation of the Heroes IV system?

A: It is not linked with Heroes 4 in any way. :Þ Six is a pretty fine number, in terms of variety, balance, and production. As we want to achieve a high quality game, that means we cant do 20 towns and hope to reach a good tuning and great visuals for all.

The concerns I’ve read regard more the number of creatures. I was very interested in reading a fan’s calculations on the number of creatures, including upgrades and addons. I think he ended on around 130 creatures in Heroes 3. I dare say we will easily top that :Þ

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