Heroes of Might and Magic V Beta Registration

Heroes of Might & Magic V producer Fabrice Cambounet stopped by Ubisoft’s official forums to announce that registration is now open for the game’s closed beta test. The full announcement:

Registrations are open for the closed beta of Heroes of Might and Magic V! Register now for a chance to help balancing the game and discover first-hand the new Might and Magic universe.

The closed beta will begin mid-September and will last approximately 2 months.

A thousand testers from all origins and all playing backgrounds will be recruited; if you’re new to the game you still have a chance of being selected so please answer the questionnaire honestly.

To take part in the beta you’ll need a good internet connection in order to download the initial files and updates. Please make sure your PC has the latest drivers and updates as the code will not be optimised at this stage yet. Of course, knowing a bit of English will be more than helpful

Finally, you’ll be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Make sure you understand the terms and conditions, especially regarding confidentiality.

Now, that you’re done with the reading and are all set, head over to the registration page!

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