Heroes IV Reviewed (not Previewed)

Though it’s questionable how much time they could have had with the final game, being that it was released within the last 48 hours, and not in the USA, UGO gives Heroes IV an A+ in their review. A+ is a great mark, but one must wonder if despite their reservations… they were somehow contacted to give an exceedingly positive score so soon, given that the reviewer pointed out a few flaws. Also interesting is that the reviewer has but one paragraph explaining how the game is like to play and nothing about the middle and end campaigns, the story or the single scenarios. He was spot on though with regards to the editor being a step back from previous Heroes… in many ways. Either way, this review is probably from the retail build. Here’s a scoop:

One of the more radical changes is that new creatures to be bought are not updated once a week; they are now available every day. For example, if the rate of renewal is 19 per week, there are 3 added every day – save for the last two days, when only 2 are added. The strategic differences are immediately obvious, since a healthy amount of new recruits can be bought in a few days, rather than waiting a whole week.

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