Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption Update #121

A new Kickstarter update for Transolar Games’ Adventure/RPG Hybrid Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption starts by talking about the ongiong pandemic. It then announces an upcoming developer livestream and invites us to join the studio’s mailing list. The update also directs us towards the recently released v2.1 patch for Hero-U that translated the game into French and fixed some miscellaneous issues. Check it out:

We Can All Be Heroes

It’s a crazy world out there. Lori and I have been around for quite a few decades now – let’s just say “more than half a Century” – and we have never seen anything like the current world health crisis. However, we’ve also never seen anything like the heroic response to that crisis!

As individuals, we might not feel that we have the power to make much of a difference. But you aren’t ordinary individuals! You’re all Heroes, or at least Heroes-in-training. Most of you have helped people in need many times. As Lori taught in the school for heroes, we can do in real live what we’ve practiced doing in games.

The most important thing right now is to slow the spread of Covid-19. That means staying away from other people as much as possible, and practicing safe interactions when we need to be with others. That includes social distancing, washing hands frequently and thoroughly, wearing gloves and face masks as appropriate, and so on.

One thing most gamers are very good at is staying at home alone (or with family). Some of us work at home, and hopefully can continue to do that. We all play games on computers, and most of us participate in social media. Those are great activities for when you need to stay home. It might feel more like “doing nothing” than making a difference, but this is one of those special times when doing nothing may be the best thing we can do! If the virus can’t find new hosts to infect, eventually it will die out. Maintain isolation and social distancing for as long, and as much, as you can afford to do it.

If you want to be a more active Hero, there are other things you can do. Consider contributing online to a local food bank or other charity. We’ve read that cash donations are much more useful than donating food or other physical items. Food banks are expert at buying the items people most need. Donated food is often relatively unhealthy, expired, or otherwise useless to a food bank. We also pay much more for the same items that they can buy cheaply in bulk.

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption News

We’ve been working hard on improving Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption, as well as on Summer Daze at Hero-U. Rogue to Redemption has a new 2.1 patch, with 2.1.1 coming soon. The big news is that the game now plays in French as well as in English! We’ve also fixed a few long-standing problems such as an issue with Katie’s Sea Caves questline.

We still need to get Yearbooks and autographs out to Rogue to Redemption backers. Those are high on my priority list along with Discord invitations and game keys to Summer Daze backers. All of those went on hold for a few months, but we’re ready to work on them now. Most of the Yearbook was finished in 2015, but I need to spend a considerable amount of time cleaning up the database to ensure that everyone who contributed gets their entry.

We are also working on making the soundtrack, art book, and hint book available through itch.io and Steam.

Our Next Stream

We’re doing a live stream this coming Saturday, April 4, on Twitch at 3 pm PDT. Our channel is https://www.twitch.tv/transolargames. The theme is “Spring Fling.” We’ll run live games and contests for Fabulous Prizes, some Q&A, and Lori will read chapter 13 of her Quest for Glory inspired novel “By the Book.”

If you miss the stream, you can watch a video of it on the Twitch channel for about two weeks afterwards. We’re also putting the book chapters on YouTube after a delay. Currently we’re up to chapter 9 there, and are working on post-processing chapters 10-12. Chapter 13 is the last scheduled chapter fulfilling a “stretch goal” promise in the Summer Daze Kickstarter. We’ll have to decide what to do about future chapters.

Transolar Games Mailing List

Kickstarter is becoming more restrictive about how backer information is used. They aren’t really set up for ongoing maintenance and communication about a project once it’s been fulfilled, although you will continue to receive our Kickstarter updates by email unless you opt out.

Please sign up for the Transolar Games mailing list at https://mailchi.mp/transolar/newsletter. We will *not* sell or provide it to anyone else; it will just be a single point from which we can communicate with all of you.

This is really important to us – We need to keep in touch with all of our players and fans to keep you posted on game updates, new projects, other interesting games, and other news about Hero-U, Transolar Games, and what we’re doing.

For more ways to keep in touch, and to keep up with what we’re doing, see the full post at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/transolargames/summer-daze-at-hero-u/posts/2802439.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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