Hellgate: London Tube Tour, Part One

GameSpy has begun a new “Tube Tour” feature for Hellgate: London, in which members of the game’s development team guide us through the first act of the game using a series of videos. Covent Garden Station is the first stop on the tour:

In Covent Garden Market, you may notice a giant organic blimp coasting through the sky. That is an Exospector. It’s big, it’s ugly, and you’ll even shoot one down and go inside of it later in the game. Your goal around this point will be to make it to the British Museum, but you’ve got to make it through Covent Garden Market first. As you’ll see in the video, there’s a Hell Rift located in this level. Once you step through it, you’ll have your first juicy taste of a boss encounter.

Shulgoth is its name, and, well, that should speak for itself. By now you should have some good battle tactics developed making him tough, but beatable. This part plays exceptionally well when you have a party going due to the level being littered with ton of Imps. Perhaps the most gratifying moment of this battle is when you see all the loot drop after Shulgoth dies. Yes, it’s really a jackpot of magic equipment and palladium.

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