Hellgate: London Review

The Adrenaline Vault has written up a three-page review of Flagship’s Hellgate: London, handing the action RPG a reasonable score of 3/5.

The big part of any game with grinding at the center is the loot, and HGL delivers as promised. Enemies spew forth currency (Palladium), armor, items, and weapons like a hemophiliac at a razor blade factory, allowing for generous amounts of customization for any given class and so much more. Useless items can be either sold at a station terminal store or broken down for their core parts which can be used to craft unique weaponry or modifications. Since there are three different classes of loot items (common, rare and legendary) the combinations can get pretty ridiculous. If you’re not up to all of that jive then you’ll be happy to hear that upgrade stations are also readily available for the rich and lazy technophile, too.

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