Hellgate: London Review

TechDomain has reviewed Hellgate: London, calling it a “good effort”, but “it just won’t be something you’ll be playing in the long term.”

Almost all of the areas are randomly generated (the same method that was used in Diablo 2), significantly increasing the game’s replayability. This is quite different to the normal format of a first person shooter or generic third person hack & slash, as often the replayability of these games suffers due to linear level design. Unfortunately, after a while all the areas in Hellgate: London start to look the same, as the scale and variety of the characters means they have to do as much as they can within the alloted 7ish GB of DVD. The indoor areas seem to suffer the most from this, as all the subways look somewhat generic, and all the areas of Hell have the same structures.

Hellgate: London Preview Screen One good thing is there is a large choice of enemies to kill, at least they vary more than just their colour or armor. Some enemies require special weaponry to attack as they fly out of your reach (unless you playing a hunter, in which case you just shoot everything that moves till it stops!).

Spotted on Blue’s News.

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