Hellgate: London Review

The bloggers at ripten.com have chimed in with their review of Hellgate: London, giving the action RPG an overall score of 9.0/10.

With top-down, hack-and-slash Diablo clones making a comeback (we’re looking at you, Titan Quest), it’s nice to see the minds behind the original put a different spin on things. Hellgate offers what precious few games these days do replayability.

The state of the industry is such that developers don’t want you playing any one game for too long. They want to hook you on the next IP they are working on, or the sequel to the game you just played. For what it’s worth Flagship seems to be in this for the long haul. I know I am.

Is this review over now? I could have gotten, like, five Shulgoth runs in by now. Man, the things I do for you guys.

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