Hellgate: London Pre-E3 Preview

IGN PC has written up a two-page preview of Hellgate: London, based on what they saw during a pre-E3 demo of Flagship Studios’ hellish RPG. An excerpt to follow:

After passing through the short introduction to the gameplay mechanics and killing a few monsters to get hands dirty and minds set against demon foes, players will be set into one of the hubs of the Hellgate universe. These hubs are all part of the London Underground railway system that hasn’t been fully infiltrated by the demons yet. These hubs are where most of the surviving humans live and plot to rid their planet of the invaders. It’s also where most of the quests can be found.

The game works much like ArenaNet’s Guild Wars in that many different players can convene in these hubs, but all combat areas are instanced. It will give the game a MMO-like feel but allow for more personal and focused gameplay.

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